“It Takes A Big Heart

To Help Shape Little Minds”

Welcome to Stepping Stone School, where we cater to neurodivergent children. Our mission is to provide specialized education, empowering each child to reach their full potential and become valued members of the community.

Our school is divided into two streams: The Complex Needs and The Learning Support, ensuring that each student receives the individual attention and support they need to thrive.

Join us at Stepping Stone School, where every child’s potential is nurtured and celebrated!

Get Involved

At Stepping Stone Special Education School, we are committed to providing quality education and support to neurodivergent children. As a private facility without government funding, we heavily rely on donations and sponsorships to ensure that every child gets the education they deserve, and to fulfill our vision of establishing our very own school centre, enabling us to accommodate even more children and make an even greater impact.

Let's Build This School!

Let’s Build This School Together!

Stepping Stone Trust is committed to creating a cutting-edge Learning Support Centre in Namibia for children with Autism and related Neurodiversities. Our goal is to offer customised education from early childhood to secondary level, helping students integrate into mainstream education or move into vocational training. Your support is crucial to achieving this vision.

I Need an Effective Education

I Need an Effective Education

We believe that every child deserves an effective education, regardless of their financial background. While we charge average private school fees, we understand that some parents may face financial challenges. Through our INEEd Campaign, you can directly impact a child’s life by sponsoring their education or contributing to our mission.

Cook With Us!

Cook With Our Cookbook

In addition to fundraising events like Golf Day, Raffle Tickets, and Angling Competition, we’re thrilled to unveil our School’s Cookbook. Purchasing this $10 US digital treasure directly aids our building fund. Your support fosters a more inclusive learning environment, creating a better future for all.

Your involvement, whether through sponsorship, donations, or supporting our initiatives, can make a lasting impact on the lives of these special children. We invite you to be part of our compassionate community, helping us provide an effective education and brighter future for all.

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